Monday, April 8, 2013

Best Swimming Goggles for Kids

  3 Best Selling Swimming Goggles for Kids


Kids love swimming, and if you are thinking of buying them the best swimming goggles, well it's actually a great idea. But before you find the best priced swimming goggles for your kid, I want to share bits of information why it's advantageous to wear goggles.

 Based on studies, goggles protect eyes from irritation due to prolonged period of time in the pool, also goggles really help kids to see clearly under the water. 

I searched for a few different best brands of swim goggles for kids, and I also got some good swimming goggles reviews that you can read through. So here are the top selling swimming goggles for kids:

1.Aqua Sphere Seal Kid  

Kayenne goggles are made for better visibility on indoor swimming pools or low light swimming pools.

Its one-piece microframe is made of  hypoallergenic Softeril (latex free), which means it doesn't affect kids skin who have allergy with rubbers or latex. It's very comfortable to wear, and the it's pretty easy to adjust even when kids are wearing it under water.

And most importantly, it is anti-fog and scratch resistant lens, which I think are bonus points.

Before we go on to the 2nd goggles, I want you to watch this helpful tips on how to choose the right goggles for your kid....

2.Speedo Kid's Vanquisher Goggle

Some parents are mistakenly buying Speedo Vanquisher goggles for adults, it's because they didn't know that there is Speedo Jr. Vanquisher swim goggle . Basically it's purposely made for kids swimming athlete and for kids who do swimming as recreational.

It's made of silicone, which is very comfortable and soft to wear, and perfect for kids who have allergy with latex rubbers.  It's low profile design, and perfect for smaller and narrower faces, particularly the kids. It's double silicone head strap, which is good to secure the fitting. Lastly, it's anti-fog.

3. Aqua Sphere Seal Kid Swim Goggle (Pink, white, blue)

If you have a few kids, this Aqua Sphere Seal Kid goggles is highly advisable. Kids won't get tired of constantly adjust their goggles with this one, 'cos your kids will adjust this once. The head straps are pretty easy to adjust with its little button release on the side so there is no tugging to loosen quickly and most importantly it doesn't tangle with your kids' hair.


If you want to see more options of goggles for kids, you can check this (best top rated swim goggles for kids). Surely, you'll find different designs, colors, etc. of the goggles you liked for your kids. Also, you can easily compare prices of swimming goggles for kids from that list, and you can find affordable kids swimming goggles or best price for kids swimming goggles.

And once you have your goggles with you, you can watch this video on how to take care of your goggles... 


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