Sunday, April 21, 2013

Safety Tips to go to the Beach with Kids

Summer is one of the best season for the whole family, especially for kids. But what is the real purpose of going for a beach vacation?

Well, to have fun at the beach is also keeping your whole family and your kids aways from trouble. You might know most of the things that I might say here but we should always consider the others who want to be safe conscious just like you.

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1. Kids flotation device

Not all kids know how to swim. Yearly, thousands of children died because of drowning. One of the best ways how you can avoid that to happen with your kid is to make sure your kid is wearing a proper flotation device. The most advisable is a water float swim suit.

2. Sun screen

Being exposed under the sun for a long period of time isn't really avoidable, especially for kids who love to play and have fun by the beach. And to avoid the harmful effects of UV rays, make sure to apply sunblock lotion or spray on your kids skin. And if you are not sure what brand of sunscreen should you buy, you can read more about it at American Melanoma Foundation.

3. Drinking water

There are so many Summer awareness campaigns all over the world. But are aware of it? There are so much risks in human bodies during warm weather days, especially during Summer, such as heat stroke, dehydration, kidney failure, etc., an one of the best way to avoid it, is to bring water with you. To be proactive, you can buy a water bottle with necklace that your kids can bring with them, and make sure to refill it as often as you can. And to give you a brief information on how much water should your kids drink, you can click here to read more about it.

4. Beach tent

Staying at the beach shore is one of the greatest place where your kids can explore a few different things around him. He can dig a hole, make a castle, play a mini golf, and so many others. Kids are suppose to enjoy the whole beach vacation, and yes your kids would rather stay at the beach most of time. And going back and fort at the beach and your hotel most of the time is not what your kids would love to do.

So, it's quite a good idea to use a reliable, functional, and heavy duty beach tent where your kids can stay and play. Just make sure all the other things your kids need like, food, water, toys, some clothes, sunblock, etc. are all in the tent.

5. Swimming clothes

You might think that two-piece swim suit for your girls or swimming trunks for your boys are the right clothes to wear, well I think you need to change your mind for your kids' skin health sake. Nowadays, there are tons of swim wear that has UV protection available in the market. In fact, it's just a matter of few clicks on your computer mouse and the next few days it's gonna be right in front of your door.

6. Summer hats

 Whilst being exposed under the sun for a short period of time, especially in the morning is a good source of Vitamin D,  too much exposure might lead to skin cancer. Plainly wearing a sunscreen might not work 100%, especially on face area. In fact, birth marks and moles on the face can become a skin problem once exposed under the sun for long and often period of times. So, it's pretty much advisable for kids to wear summer hats.

7. Parents supervision

Kids are as slippery as wet, in just a matter of a wink of an eye, they all gone somewhere or run away already. Before leaving your home, make a plan a night before with your wife or husband on how will you manage looking after your kids. It could be per time basis, meaning every after 30 minutes there will be exchange of duty on who-to-look who.

If Doomsday Prepers have prepared the things that they need to use in case something goes wrong in the world, how much more you as a parent? Have you ever think about your kids behavior when they go in the beach?

It's always better to be proactive than to be reactive, 'cos I'm sure you wouldn't like to be reactive. It's only a small piece of advice that you can consider to avoid big unlikeable results.

So parents, all you need to do is spend next 30 minutes customize your safety plan that you need to consider before heading to the beach.

And if you are not sure what are the things you need to bring with you and your kids, you can watch this short video that will surely help you pack your things....

I hope you have happy and safe beach vacation!

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