Saturday, April 20, 2013

Teens Summer Activities

Summer is one of the most awaited season for so many kids across the globe.

There are plenty of summer fun ideas teenagers would love to do but you don't want to be overwhelmed. A good question that teenagers asked, 'What can I do in Summer, should I work or do some fun summer activities?" But if you  don't know, you can give always find a long list of things to do in Summer.

Photo used under Creative Commons

For parents who want to teach their children to be more productive or to value the money, there are ways to find a summer job. For those parents who doesn't want teenagers to work away from them, and still want to monitor their children, the best thing to consider is online teen jobs

In short, it's a matter of doing both or mixed both fun activities or find a summer job. And if you are thinking what are the best ideas for both of them, let me give you a few different teens summer activities.

 But before that, I want you or your teenager to watch this videos:

When you feel bored at home, why don't you do this...

And a video on how teenagers can make money...

I hope those videos give you some thoughts on how will you plan your Summer break. So, let's move on to our lists. So here's a short list of the possible fun Summer activities teenagers like you would love to do this Summer season.

#8 Read Some Books

For some kids reading a book might be boring to do that's why I placed it on the last. However, there are a lot of great benefits when you read a book. And you don't necessarily need to read educational books, you can always reading Sci-Fi, fiction, horror, suspense, and a lot more.

Right now, the best selling novel book for teenagers is called, Holes. Thousands of teens like you have read it, and it will be good for you to catch up and find what is it all about.

#7 Planting

It might not sound great but I think it's something different that you can do. If you have a garden or a big backyard where you can plant a few different plants, then that will be a bonus. However, not all have big backyards, so it will be great for you to plant a small plant in a pot. You can ask a neighbor who has plants if you can have or buy from them. Or maybe, ask you mom to buy one from Amazon.

Watering your plant every morning and watch it grow could make you feel proud of yourself that you are capable to take care of a plant. It will also be a good idea if you take a photo of yourself with your plant everyday then post it on Facebook or Pinterest.

How about this, check out the photos on Pinterest that might help you think what kind of plant do you like or where do you want to plant, click here and see the photos

#6 Camping

 If you are feeling bored and you want to be away from your house for a night or two, how about you invite your teenage friends to camp with you but make sure you'll have an adult with you. Teenage camping is also good to explore the nature. And for some, they do sign-up for camping clubs where you can meet and make friends to other teenagers from a few different places.

#5 Movie Marathon 

There are so may movies and TV series that you can watch. I think this is one of the coolest and convenient activity that you can do at home or your friend's house. If you haven't watch Twilight Saga or Harry Potter maybe you wanna try to watch the complete series.  Who knows you might figure out that you want to be a fiction writer or a teenage idol. It's also gonna be a good idea to make your movie schedule for few day or weeks, invite your friends and make some popcorn and smoothies.

#4 Computer games

Who wouldn't love playing a computer game? There are lots of free games everywhere. If you have an iPhone or iPad or whatever kind of android gadget you've got you can download some free apps, most of them are free trials. And if you don't have any android, you can still use you computer at home and find some free games on Facebook.

You can also use PlayStation at home, and you can either challenge your sibling or your parents to play some games with you. And if you think that's boring, always call a friend.

#3 Sports

If you want to be a popular basketball player or be a famous football player, how about you use the Summer season for you to practice.  There are a lot of sports that you can try, and if you know where you're good at, how about you improved yourself more and pursue it. Having a talent or skill in a particular sport is a great gift you could ever have.

#2 Cooking

Waking up early to go to school and eating awful breakfasts of your parents isn't really fun, especially when it's repetitive. Cooking is not just house hold chore, it's also an art. And having a long Summer vacation is a great time to experiment your own dishes or learn cooking by heart.

There are plenty of available teenage cooking resources that you can find for free online. And if you are dead-serious to learn it and to be absolutely great in cooking, you can always ask your parents advice and tell them that you love to cook.

#1 Make your Youtube video

Whether you are a Justin Bieber fan or not, you'd probably knew that he became popular because of Youtube. Having a cool Youtube video can give you great fortune and became popular. Aside from those things, you can also make a video that can help people.

I'm sure you are good at something/s, and you can share it on Youtube to help those teenagers like you or all walks of life who need that piece of information. It could be tips on how to kiss a girl or tips on how to answer your assignment in Algebra.

Some teenagers are also making Youtube videos singing while playing a guitar or any music instruments. And other enjoy making some cool and crazy videos with their friends.

Have you watch this new teenage girl who's becoming popular on Youtube, watch it....

And do you remember Jessica Sanchez of American Idol 2nd Runner-up in 2012. Please watch one of her Youtube videos before she joined AI and became popular.

And well, how about the big time Justine Bieber 1st video...

Whichever you choose to do this Summer season, make sure that it's not horrible idea. The most important thing that you have to remember is to do what you feel is beneficial for you or other people.

And if you decided that you want to find an online teenage summer job, visit 'Online Jobs for Kids'


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